
The Collabora Online Development Edition is aimed at home users and contains many of the latest and greatest developments. We want as many people as possible to try it out and get back control of their own online documents. We’d also love to get people involved in our efforts to make Online even better. So download Collabora Online Development Edition, enjoy using it at home.

Grab the CODE

The easiest way to install CODE for a quick tryout is to download it as a virtual appliance from the Univention App Center.This appliance contains the Collabora Online Development Edition, and the additional software you need to get you up and running in minutes. You can choose between two types of integration, CODE + Nextcloud or CODE + ownCloud. Each appliance is available in four formats: KVM, VirtualBox, VMware Workstation and VMware ESXi.

Download virtual appliance

See more options

Getting set up

It is highly recommended to set up a reverse proxy in front of CODE, either you run CODE from Docker, or you use native packages. It is easy, and this way CODE can be reached on standard HTTP or HTTPS ports. We provide sample configuration files for Apache2 and Nginx. If you want SSL, we recommend certificates from Let’s Encrypt.

Setting up Apache 2 reverse proxy
Setting up Nginx reverse proxy

Now you can give as the WOPI URL in your preferred File Sync and Share solution. See below for specific examples. For more detailed and pretty instructions on integrating with various partner solutions please see (in alphabetical order):

Nextcloud Setup Instructions (Apache & Nginx)

Get involved

Your first commit

  • First check How to build CODE
  • Do your modifications and check them
  • git commit # to commit the stuff
  • git log -p -1 # to check your work
  • git push origin HEAD:feature/name
  • Create a Pull Request via the URL that you are told

Watch a talk & grab slides

COOL Days 2021Moodle Integration
COOL Days 2021community website
LibreOffice Conference 2020Integrating-OnLine-via-WOPI.pdf
FOSDEM 2020dialog-tunneling.pdf
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